25 April 2012

The Homestretch...

I've nary a surplus of time as I finish up the last few projects of the semester (!), but for fun you might want to go read Bradon Vogt's post, 5 Ways to Grow Your Home Library. Although my love for books is great, I have to admit I always find habitual book buyers slightly curious. Like Brandon, I too, like to write all over my books, but I have never found it hard to modify the way I do this to accommodate library books (bookmarks and a lot of journal annotations). As shopping still ranks among my least favorite activities, I derive a surprisingly low level of pleasure from browsing used books stores and library sales. I guess I would just rather be reading. While I aspire to have a robust home library of my own, I've found the method of suspending book purchases until I have finishing those still unread to be quite satisfying.

1 comment:

  1. "the method of suspending book purchases until I have finishing those still unread"

    I wish that I had your discipline. There are too many interesting things to find for me to wait. Alas, many unfinished books. :)
